Saturday, April 11, 2009

Too Cute!

Jonny is so cute! His new favorite movie is Madagascar 2, he calls it the move it movie. He loves the I Like To Move It Move It song. He walks around mumbling the song in tune and then as loud as he can he yells MOVE IT! It is too cute. He also likes to move his hand up and down in front of his face and go ohh ahhh ohh ahhh, just like Alex the Lion from the movie. He is too cute!
Jonny and I had our pictures taken yesterday. My friend Michelle, who is a photographer and a darn good one at that, came over and took Jonny's two year pictures for me and while we were at it she wanted to take my picture as well. They turned out so well. Now she is in the editing phase and I hope to get the final results soon. For now here are Jonny's 18 month pictures I took them myself :).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

We're Here...Sort Of

Jonny and I are here in Utah and Jeff is now in Arizona (16 weeks to go). I'm staying with my friend Calista for now and helping her prepare for the new baby. While I'm here I will be looking for a place for my family to live and enjoying being close to my family and friends again. Jonny and I will be traveling to Arizona to visit Jeff every two weeks or so. Although I'm sure Jonny is so sick of traveling in a car by now, not to mention I am as well. We have had quite an adventure these last few weeks.
It all started with a long move from Seaside, California to Provo, Utah. Then a long drive back to Seaside to pick up our car that was almost totaled by a drunk driver just before the move. The car wasn't ready so we went down to visit Jeff then went back to Utah. Rested for a couple of days then loaded back up into the car and went back to get the car in Seaside. It was almost ready this time. We just had to make a four hour roadside detour to a mechanic to make the last fix on the car. Then we drove through the night all the way back to Provo. It's a very long story but all in all I think that Jonny and I are done with road trips for now. Although, we're looking forward to visiting Jeff next weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


We are moving back to Utah in 28 days. We are so excited to see all of our friends and family again, It's been to long. We love and miss all of you, see you soon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Jonny and I (Heather or Mom) are in Colorado right now visiting both sets of grandparents. We're having a great time! It's all fun and games and lots of spoiling of the grandchild. I'm getting a much needed break and Jonny is getting a lot of attention. I am almost afraid of what it's going to be like when we get home. Don't get me wrong we really miss daddy, but when we get home there's only me and I wonder if that will be enough after three and a half weeks of being spoiled?
Anyway, we love it out here and Jonny is progressing immensely. He learns a new word almost daily and I see how smart he really is. He can already say two Chinese words, dig and push (sorry I don't know how to spell them in Chinese). We only have a week and a half to go and still loving every minute of it! We'll see you soon daddy, we love you!!!! (: